Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Fall Qrtr 2009

Welcome back to school! And welcome to all you new-comers! Today we had our first meeting and I was excited to see all of you there. This quarter will be a different format than last quarter. Instead of having each meeting be different, it's going to go back to what it use to be where Tuesday and Thursday are the same thing. We have a few people who cannot go to both meetings, so that's why we're going that way again.

Beginning Level:
You're starting out like everyone else, the bouncing ball. It's main purpose is to have you evaluate timing and demonstrate Squash-and-Stretch.

'Tis the beginning of effects animation. You're working on a fire cycle. This cycle starts and ends with a drawing I gave you so we can put everyone's together and have a fire cycle that varies enough that it will continually go without someone knowing it's a cycle.

I'm really excited for all of you. There's a good community starting to develop at the club and I think it can only grow from here.

So, for those of you who were here last quarter, you know that both I and Lisa,VP, are graduating soon. I'll be graduating this quarter and Lisa the next. We need to find replacements for us before we leave so that this club will keep running. To do this, there are going to be some Saturday sessions that will be longer and more intense than the weekday meetings. You will gain a deeper knowledge and a more rooted understanding of animation. Also, you'll learn how to pass on your knowledge to others, a good skill to have. Since the sessions on Saturdays are going to be so long, there will be pizza for lunch at every meeting. These meetings will be from 10am to 2 or 2:30ish and will start next Saturday, Oct. 17, not this Saturday. If you choose to come, be prepared to get to work right away. We're hoping to find a good replacement from this group, but I encourage all of you to come even if you're not interested in the leadership aspect of it. I hope to see you there.


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