Alright, Cody, you're right, I should update the blog. So here goes.
There are a few things that need to be addressed.
The date is set for when we will be going to see 9. Thursday Sept. 17. We don't know the time yet, but that's the date. If you have signed the sheet at club you don't have to tell me you're coming again, but if you haven't been to club and you want to come, and you KNOW you can come, send me an email. There will be no extra tickets.
Your leaders are graduating in the next few quarters, me in December and Lisa in March. So, we need some people to step up to the position. You will be getting intense animation training and some leadership training. Then eventually, we will choose our successors. Tell me if you're interested.
The question, "do the club meeting days stay the same each quarter?" was brought up. The answer is yes. Next quarter the meetings will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The question is, will it be like this quarter where we have been doing different things each meeting. I don't know. It depends on if people can meet both days. Usually, the meetings would be the same on both days, but since everyone came every meeting, we could move a little faster.
Week 9, you'll be taking an animation assignment you have previously finished and doing it again, fixing the problems you had before and taking all the rest of what you learned this quarter and applying it to the redo.
Alrighty, I'll see you all on Tuesday! Enjoy the weekend!!!
1 year ago