Thursday, February 5, 2009

This Week

Hey all.
Beginning, either work on what you've been working on, or send me an email and I'll give you a personal assignment.
Intermediate, you're assignment is going to be a run cycle with Mr. Bean. This is going to be something where you figure out what works best, 4 drawings or 8 drawings.
Advanced, you're gonna be working on a weight test. and the weight is going to be light, not heavy. Next week is heavy.

OH! and just so you know, I heard a rumor about an all hands meeting this Tuesday, so go to that if it comes.

Enjoy the week.


  1. all hands meeting? this term is new to me..

  2. All Hands Meeting is when the Animation and GAD departmets, all students and Faculity, appear so we are told as a group what's new and stuff. Also, expect to maybe register for classes here soon.

  3. I think you spelled departments wrong.
